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Reports that anyone understands
Periopathogens, caries risk, candida, implantitis and more

Water test

Meet the half-yearly obligation to test the water quality in your units according to the WIP guidelines.

The WIP guidelines state that you should check each treatment unit for the presence of aerobic water bacteria. Using a professionally accredited water test, the number of water bacteria is determined and depending on the result, the presence of Legionella must then be tested.

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Quantify the aerobic water bacteria (CFU/ml) in your unit

The unit meets the drinking water standard.
The number of aerobic water bacteria has increased.
The number of aerobic water bacteria has been greatly increased.
The number of aerobic water bacteria has been greatly increased. The unit should be checked for Legionella.

Simplicity. Front and center.

Each test comes with a clear report. Complexity turned into insight.

We'll make it easy for you:

We will send you sampling bottles

Annual checks are dilligently followed up for you, we do the work for you and send the bottles automatically every six months to check your water samples.

We'll inform you in time

We will inform you when the water bottles will be picked out and when you'll have to take the sample from the units.

Water samples are collected with cooled transport

On the day of collection, the tests will be picked up in your practice by refrigerated transport and taken to the lab. If the result meets the standard, you will receive a certificate.


Those are on us

Feel like kicking the tires before starting? We've made ordering test kits free for anyone. Order below and pay only when you receive results of the test.

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Our products

Autoclave test

A well-functioning autoclave is essential to a good working practice. With our Autoclave test you know immediately and exactly how well your autoclave still sterilizes.
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Perio risk

Inhereted genes may play a role in the development of periodontitis. By measuring these, a genetic value of risk can be determined.
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Perio 20

Our Perio 20 gives a complete insight into a patient's biofilm. Allperiopathogens, opportunists and beneficial bacteria are mapped out.
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